On Thursday 5 May 2022, the Ambassador of India to Belgium, Luxembourg and the European Union (EU), Santosh Jha, along with the Deputy Chief of Mission, Debasish Prusty, received a gathering of about 25 members of the Indian diaspora in Luxembourg.
Ambassador Jha visited Luxembourg for an official meeting, but took the opportunity to reach out to the Indian community in Luxembourg. Planned on short notice, he opened the meet and greet event by asking for suggestions to further improve the embassy services and any concerns those present may had. Ambassador Jha took note of the suggestions and welcomed the efforts of the Indian community in Luxembourg.
The gathering saw representatives from the Indian Association Luxembourg (IAL), the Indian Business Chamber of Luxembourg (IBCL), the Luxembourg Chapter of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAILux) and the Luxembourg India Women’s Business Chamber for Commerce and Industry (WICCI), ws well as students and researchers from the University of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH), former Indian Navy and Army officials, Amazon and TechMahindra employees, amongst others.