Mr. Yves Even
Partner, Ernst & Young SA, Luxembourg
Yves Even joined Arthur Andersen in Luxembourg in 1997, which merged with Ernst & Young in 2002. Yves is a qualified chartered accountant in Luxembourgand member of the Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises (IRE) including thecommission “public sector”, as well as member of Chartered Accountants Association (OEC). Further he is member of the Strategic Advisory Board of the IBCL anda member of the “Fédération des Jeunes Dirigeants” (FjD) in Luxembourg. He concluded his university with a degree in economics obtained atthe University Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (France). As Luxembourgish native healso speaks fluently German, English and French.
Yves Even is the president of the board of EY Luxembourg. Further he is part of the management of EY Lux and the responsible Market Partner and leading the Commercial & Public Sector, including Entrepreneurship / Family Business offering, the Entrepreneur of the Year event in Luxembourg, service offering to Non for Profit organizations, offering within the Public Sector including Public Performance Audits, Public Policy Evaluation.
As “réviseur d’entreprises agrees”, the audits performed under his responsibility include statutory and consolidated financial statements of national and international groups of different sizes, quoted and non-quoted, prepared under local GAAP and IFRS, all active in different commercial industries and sectors. He has an extensive experience within a large number of non-audit assurance work as for example IPO, Mergers and acquisitions, contribution in kinds.